Our Board & Leadership

Our Board

We are supported by a knowledgeable and experienced Board made up of members who share a commitment to CHS goals and objectives.
Dr Richard Ayah
Board Chair
Dr Paul Wekesa
Board Secretary
George Waititu
Chair, Programs Committee
George Waititu, Chair Programs and Communication Committee

When you live in a rural area like I do, where you experience first-hand local community health needs, and when you have access to a very well-organized local NGO with a vision and partners well-poised to respond to those needs, you offer all you got to deliver a mass of healthy families.

I provide governance and strategy for CHS enriched by my corporate leadership experience and training at the helm of the Steadman Group across the African continent, expertise from nearly two decades of work in research across the continent, particularly around monitoring and evaluation of social interventions in health, governance, communication, and education.

My passion and investments in the arts for social change at the Tafaria Centre for the Arts and passion for mass communication through local digital platforms such as Viusasa for sustainability further complement my role on the CHS board and in Chairing the Programs and Communications Committee.

I delight in the fact that through CHS programs, we continue to realize our vision of making families in many rural geographies healthier.

Beatrice Mwangi
Chair, HR and Strategy Committee
Coutts Otolo
Chair, Audit and Risk Committee
Coutts Otolo, Chair Audits and Risks Committee

Development and maintenance of structured internal controls in CHS have been central to ensuring sustained success and growth. CHS has cumulatively managed a funding portfolio of over USD 223,000,000, implementing health projects across Kenya. Over time CHS has demonstrated the capacity to successfully manage portfolio growth geographically and financially by adopting robust business practices and systems.

I chair the Audits and Risks Committee where I provide oversight and technical guidance to ensure compliance, structured control, continuous fiscal responsibility, and resource utilization.

My expertise of over 40 years in financial and business management, risks advisory and audits, and experience leading various companies, including Crowe Horwath Eastern Africa, Ernst & Young Eastern Africa, and my current one as Chief Executive Officer and Managing Partner of Parker Randall Eastern Africa, providing a host of expert services across Africa for annual statutory audits, special/independent reviews, forensic audits and investigations, tax alignment and advisory for local and multinational organizations enhances my drive to ensure continued sustenance and management of CHS existence and portfolio.

Our Leadership Team

CHS utilises local expertise to ensure the implementation of evidence-informed health solutions across all its programs. With guidance from a committed leadership team, our dedicated staff working across Kenya are integral to the success of all CHS endeavours.
Dr Paul Wekesa
Chief Executive Officer
Dr Brenda Mungai
Director TB & Lung Health
George Odondi
Finance and Administration Director
Dr Lorraine Mugambi-Nyaboga
Chief of Party, TB ARC II
Dr Jacquin Kataka
Program Director, SHINDA Tena