Our Programmes

CHS continues to grow as the preferred partner for health solutions by consistently focusing on the delivery of quality services and continuous improvement in a transparent and accountable manner.

Our Current Programs

Health is critical to the growth and survival of a community. Through various intervention in the health sector, we seek to enable a more healthy and productive society. This is what we do.


A TB response program in Kenya

Tuberculosis Accelerated Response and Care II (TB ARC II) is a five-year activity targeted at reducing the incidence, and TB related morbidity, and mortality in line with the 90-95-0 targets to End the TB epidemic in Kenya. It is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and is being implemented as a follow-on to the TB ARC Activity which ended in November 2018.

Tegemeza Plus

A HIV prevention, care and treatment program in parts of central Kenya

Tegemeza Plus is a five-year HIV prevention, care and treatment program funded by the US President’s Emergency Program for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Tegemeza Plus is a follow-on project to Tegemeza that closed at the end of March 2017.


A part of the global USAID projects called introducing New Tools Project (iNTP)

The Ezesha_99DOTs project aims to improve adherence and quality of care among drug-susceptible TB patients in Nairobi County, Kenya. This will be through the deployment of customized medication sleeves as part of the Digital Adherence Technologies (DATs) platform improve adherence and quality of care among drug-susceptible TB patients in Nairobi County, Kenya.

Shinda Tena

A follow-on project to Shinda that closed at the end of September 2021.

Shinda Tena is a five-year HIV prevention, care and treatment program funded by the US President’s Emergency Program for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Shinda Tena is a Swahili for ‘win again’, a project name that shows our continued commitment towards ‘winning the war against HIV/AIDS by achieving epidemic control’ in Siaya county.

Tibulims Project

A part of the global USAID projects called introducing New Tools Project (iNTP)

This project will upgrade the current TB diagnostic instrument connectivity solution to an improved and integrated solution (Tibulims) which will include the current instruments (GeneXpert) as well as other instruments that have been adopted or scoped for adoption by the country in the next one year.

Diagnostics Project

A part of the global USAID projects called introducing New Tools Project (iNTP)

The project will strengthen TB diagnostics by introducing new diagnostic tools such as Truenat, Computer Aided Detection of TB using digital chest X-rays, Interferon Gamma Release Assays and strengthen TB prevention by supporting the scale up of TB preventative therapy.

Our Past Programs

Here are the programmes we’ve executed successfully in the past.

Afya Info

A National Health Information System (NHIS) program

Afya-Info was a USAID-funded project that sought to respond to the needs identified by the Government of Kenya for a strong, unified National Health Information System (NHIS).


A Tuberculosis accelerated response and care program

The USAID funded Tuberculosis Accelerated Response and Care was a five-year activity, which sought to expand access to quality-assured TB services in all Counties and for all forms of TB, through the identification and implementation of evidence-based interventions that support and/or complement the activities of the NTLD-Program and increase the proportion of TB cases identified and treated over a period of five years.


A TB program for children

In 2016, there were a total 75,894 TB cases notified, 6,652 (8.7%) of whom were children. Great strides have been made in TB management in Kenya including being the first country to nationally roll out child-friendly TB formulations.


A program about HIV and AIDS that does this and that for people

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ALHIV Adherence Initiative

A program for adolescents living with HIV

Through the Adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV) Adherence Initiative Project, CHS supports the achievement of the global Accelerating Children’s HIV/AIDS Treatment (ACT) Initiative goals to identify adolescents living with HIV, link them to care and treatment, and support them to achieve viral suppression. This is both a prevention and treatment intervention, helping to shape an AIDS-free generation.


A program about HIV and AIDS in Siaya County

The USAID funded Tuberculosis Accelerated Response and Care was a five-year activity, which sought to expand access to quality-assured TB services in all Counties and for all forms of TB, through the identification and implementation of evidence-based interventions that support and/or complement the activities of the NTLD-Program and increase the proportion of TB cases identified and treated over a period of five years.


A HIV prevention, care and treatment program in parts of Eastern Kenya

Naishi Project is a five-year HIV prevention, care and treatment program funded by the U.S. President’s Emergency Program for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). NAISHI is a Swahili word meaning I LIVE and is focused on achieving HIV epidemic control in Machakos, Makueni and Kitui.