Our Partners
The United States Agency for International Development is the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential.
USAID’s health program in Kenya is one of the Agency’s largest in the world focusing on leadership, governance and capacity building of the Kenyan health system for greater sustainability.
To reduce the spread and impact of HIV/AIDS nationwide, it integrates prevention and treatment of other diseases, especially malaria and tuberculosis.
It is through this focus that USAID is supporting Kenya’s National TB Program through the CHS led Tuberculosis Accelerated Response and Care II (TB ARC II) activity. More about USAID
Kenya’s vision for health is to provide equitable and affordable health care at the highest affordable standard to all citizens. At national level, health leadership is provided by the Ministry of Health.
Kenya’s Health Policy 2012 –2030 provides guidance to the health sector in terms of identifying and outlining activities to achieve Kenya’s health goals.
The policy is aligned to Kenya’s Vision 2030 (Kenya’s national development agenda), the Constitution of Kenya and global health commitments.
It is under this guidance that CHS operates and works closely with the national and county governments toward the fulfilment of the right to ‘the highest attainable standard of health.’ More about Kenya’s Ministry of Health
The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief is a U.S. Government initiative to help save the lives of those suffering from HIV/AIDS around the world.
PEPFAR investments also help alleviate suffering from other diseases across the global health spectrum. PEPFAR is driven by a shared responsibility among donor and partner nations and others to make smart investments to save lives. PEPFAR is the cornerstone and largest component of the U.S. President’s Global Health Initiative.
PEPFAR presently supports the CHS Tegezema Plus Project, SHINDA Project and NAISHI Project through CDC and TB ARC II through USAID. More about PEPFAR
CDC-Kenya’s mission is to promote measurable, substantive public health advances in Kenya and throughout the region.
Achieving this mission in Kenya in the context of over 45% of the population living in poverty is a challenge. CDC-Kenya works in strong partnership with local, national and regional partners to help address the burden of disease in Kenya.
CDC currently supports the SHINDA, NAISHI and Tegemeza Plus projects with funding from PEPFAR. More about CDC-Kenya