About Tegemeza Programme

Tegemeza was a 5-year project funded by PEPFAR through CDC to support the implementation and expansion of high-quality HIV Care and Prevention in Central Kenya.

CHS was awarded the Tegemeza grant as one of two local entities funded to implement HIV services in Central Kenya. This was part of a move by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to transition work done by international entities to local organizations. Following a competitive process, CHS received a grant to implement this work in most parts of Central Kenya except Kirinyaga County and parts of Kiambu County where a different local entity was funded to support implementation.

HIV Care and Treatment

People Living With HIV

34,087 people living with HIV active on antiretroviral therapy


100% of TB patients testing positive for HIV initiated on ART

Antiretroviral Therapy

23,349 (89%) adults and children (21,174 adults and 2,175 children) living with HIV initiated on antiretroviral therapy

Isoniazid Preventive Therapy (IPT)

87% of people living with HIV placed on Isoniazid Preventive Therapy (IPT) to protect them from developing Tuberculosis

Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV

HIV Testing

260,310 pregnant women tested for HIV

Pregnant Women With HIV

9,521 pregnant women with HIV identified

Antiretroviral Therapy

7,981 pregnant women with HIV provided with antiretroviral therapy

Infants ARV

7,077 infants provided with antiretroviral therapy

HIV Testing Services

1,590,054 tests done

29,706 people living with HIV identified including 2,065 children