CHS continues to grow as the preferred partner for health solutions by consistently focusing on the delivery of quality services and continuous improvement in a transparent and accountable manner.

Our Work

CHS is a close and trusted partner of the Government of Kenya, working in partnership with the national and county governments, donors and other stakeholders for the delivery of sustainable health services.

Through various programs, we have built strong partnerships in support of the implementation of HIV and TB services including supportive functions such as laboratory and pharmacy systems, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), human resources for health, health care financing and leadership and governance.

Our Solutions

We optimize the delivery and use of health interventions to communities through evidence-informed solutions, innovations and research to address existing and emerging public health needs.

Health Systems Strengthening

Leadership and Governance

Health Service Delivery

Health Research

Health Innovations

The right to health is one of a set of internationally agreed human rights standards and is inseparable or ‘indivisible’ from all other rights.

~ World Health Organization

How we’ve made a change

CHS continues to grow as the preferred partner for health solutions by consistently focusing on the delivery of quality services and continuous improvement across all our program activities.

CHS continues to grow as the preferred partner for health solutions by consistently focusing on the delivery of quality services and continuous improvement across all our program activities.