About the Project
USAID Tamatisha TB is an above-site national mechanism which supports the National TB Leprosy and Lung Diseases Program (NTP) in Kenya to implement TB care and treatment activities in all the 47 counties. This mechanism is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The activity’s main goal is to reduce the incidence of TB in the country, and to reduce the number of deaths as a result of tuberculosis (TB). This is in line with the Kenya National Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Lung Disease (2024-2029). With the realization that up to 40% of HIV deaths are as a result of tuberculosis, it is imperative to strengthen timely TB case finding through active case finding initiatives in all counties, promote access to high quality patient-centered TB and TB/HIV services; prevent TB transmission and disease progression, strengthen TB service delivery platforms & accelerate research and innovation with the ultimate goal of decreasing incidence & TB related morbidity, and mortality in line with the 90-95-0 targets to End TB.
Our Response
We aim to:
- Improve TB case finding
- Improve access to high quality, patient-centered TB, DR-TB and TB/HIV services
- Prevent TB transmission and disease progression
- Strengthen TB service delivery platforms, and
- Accelerate research and innovation
USAID Tamatisha TB is implemented by Centre for Health Solutions – Kenya (CHS) in collaboration with the National Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Lung Disease Program (NTLD-Program), and has sub recipients who include; Respiratory Society of Kenya (ReSOK), STOP TB Partnership-Kenya, Epidemic Control Systems (EPCON) and Management Sciences for Health (MSH).