Our Approach
CHS aligns its work to national and international public health priorities to support the achievement of local and international goals and objectives through innovative health solutions that address existing and emerging public health needs.
Guided by our third strategic plan (2021-2025) and with a commitment to improve health outcomes, CHS works in partnership with government, donors, other stakeholders and local communities to complement and synergise the delivery of sustainable health services.
We are committed to consistently serve communities across Kenya through the implementation of HIV and TB services while strengthening all the core components of the health systems. These include supportive functions such as laboratory and pharmacy systems, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), human resources for health, health care financing and leadership and governance.

A world of healthy families through universal access to health interventions and services
To optimize delivery and use of health interventions to communities through evidence-informed solutions, innovations and research to address existing and emerging public health needs
Our Strategic Goals
The right to health is one of a set of internationally agreed human rights standards and is inseparable or ‘indivisible’ from all other rights.
~ World Health Organization
Highlights of our ten year journey
2010 - 2015
July 2010
CHS legally registered
October 2010
CHS begins formal operations as a sub-partner for ICAP in Central Province (MCAP Project) with a budget of $470,000, supporting 27 facilities
July 2011
CHS awarded CDC-funded Tegemeza project as a prime partner
August 2011
CHS awarded a task order by University of Columbia – New York to execute external quality assurance assessment of male circumcision sites in Tanzania funded by PEPFAR
January 2012
Renovation of Nyahururu CCC completed (First project)
October 2012
CHS launches its pharmacovigilance efforts in Central Province
November 2012
MPESA implemented for making payments directly to participants/beneficiaries
June 2013
CHS receives USAID-funded TB award (TB ARC)
August 2013
CHS acquires first ERP system
Center For Collaboration in Health (CCS) Mozambique visits CHS to learn from CHS successful models
April 2014
GeneXpert networking meeting to ensure accessibility of machines by all facilities in Central Kenya
First class from University of Washington’s Leadership and Management in Health course – CHS supported students from supported facilities and MOH
CHS supports NTLD-P in the development and dissemination of Fourth National Anti-TB Drug Resistance Survey, 2014-2015
July 2015
1st post independence TB prevalence survey launched with support from USAID through TB ARC
CHS subawards KAPTLD and KANCO the Public Private Mix sub-award for TB Control
October 2015
CHS 5 Year anniversary
November 2015
Launch of 2nd Strategic Plan
2016 - 2020
August 2016
CHS received CDC award to support the implementation of HIV prevention, care and treatment services through its SHINDA and Naishi project
CHS received a grant from the Global Alliance for TB Drug Development (TB Alliance) to support communication and advocacy activities of the NTLD-Program in readiness for the national launch of child-friendly TB medicines.
September 2016
Launch of the child friendly TB medicines
March 2017
CHS awarded TB Reach grant for the implementation of the Fikia project
National dissemination of the prevalence survey findings
December, 2017
CHS, CEO named CEO of the Year in the Africa Healthcare Leadership Award category at the 2017 Africa Leadership Awards
CHS receives the NGO Leadership Award for its work in HIV/AIDS
February 2018
CHS signs Memorandum of Understanding with the County Government of Muranga
May 2018
CHS wins First-Ever Stop TB Partnership Photo Competition .
HTS Booths handover
CHS awarded CIFF funded ALHIV Adherence Initiative
June 2018
CHS participates in 12th INTEREST Conference in Kigali, Rwanda
Exploring High-Yield Approach to HIV Testing in Kenya: Contact Notification Services
CHS participated in international scientific conferences
- International AIDS Conference 2018 (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Public Health Informatics Conference (Atlanta
May 2019
CHS launches an Adolescent Adherence Mobile Application “Heroes App”
July 2019
CHS receives KPIF funding for KP implementation in Lower Eastern
April 2020
CHS named leading NGO in Kenya in the fight against HIV and TB
Over 10 Million Kenyans reached with TB/HIV Prevention Treatment and Care Services