CHS recently renovated the comprehensive care center at Ndori health facility and handed it back to the county government of Siaya. Ndori is among the 81 health facilities that CHS is currently supporting in the delivery and expansion of quality HIV services.
Ndori Health Centre is located in East Asembo location, North Ramba, Rarieda Sub-County, in Siaya County. It has a catchment population area of 10553, a workload of 1905 per month, and a Tx curr of 1190.
The facility is served by 19 staff supported by both CHS and the County Government of Siaya.
Prior to the renovation, the facility had varying challenges like;
- A leaking roof, hence flooding the consultation rooms
- Potholes on the floor of consultation rooms
- Wasps, termites, bats, and bee infestations
This affected service delivery leading to reduced number of patients accessing services over time due to physical facility outlook, as well as high drop rates and retention gaps for patients on chronic care affecting continuity of care and patient outcomes.
Speaking during the handover meeting, our finance and administration director George Odondi emphasized on the need for strengthened partnership between the county and CHS to ensure that the facility continues to meet its mandate to serve the community.
“We are elated to hand over the facility today after completing the renovations. This work would not have been possible without funds from our donor PEPFAR through CDC. We remain committed to ensure that we serve the people of Siaya as we work towards ending the HIV epidemic.”
Ndori health center is located along the highway leading it to attract a high volume of patients.
According to Dr Geoffrey Mwai the Sub County Medical Officer of Health, the renovations have changed the entire outlook of the facility making it more appealing to the clients.
“We as Rarieda sub county and Ndori health center as a facility are extremely happy about the completed work. It will ease our work load both to the patients and health workers. We extend our appreciation to CHS -Kenya and our supervisors for seeing us through this.”
Centre for Health solutions under Shinda Tena project continues to implement health interventions in supported health facilities in Siaya County. Through funding from PEPFAR through CDC we support Siaya County department of health in the delivery and expansion of quality HIV services.